Keep Calm and Math On

For many, hearing and seeing back-to-school reminders in stores, in inboxes, on television, and in well-intended newsletters can be overwhelming and cause anxiety. It rouses worries about what to teach, how to help students meet their goals, and how to take care of everything in so little time.

The team at the SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum & Instruction PD Center is here to help ease some of those concerns! Whether you’re a seasoned AE teacher or new to the world of adult education, math can bring on additional anxieties, especially for those who haven’t taken a math course in many years and didn’t necessarily enjoy it when they were students themselves. The work we do is designed to support all teachers regardless of their math abilities or appreciation for the subject.

See math as something to explore, not just solve.

Check out our newest video that demonstrates some creative ways to engage with math, especially in a remote environment. Watch two AE math teachers talk about using manipulatives and digital tools with their students through Zoom, and hear students share their math understanding and discoveries from using materials readily found at home.

Be a student of math, even if you feel comfortable with this subject.

CALM Support Series logoWe can all improve on our math skills and teaching skills, and one of the best ways to do that is to experience math in community. The SABES Math Center has a new Curriculum for Adults Learning Math (CALM) Support Series that includes live monthly online workshops (offerings in the morning and late afternoon) intended to help teachers deepen their understanding of the content, teaching strategies, and overall organization of CALM. Each support session will focus on a specific content topic. Participants will experience CALM activities on that topic, reflect on CALM’s approach to teaching that topic, and share ideas and questions with other teachers.

If you’re new to CALM, you’re encouraged to sign up for the new CALM Introduction online asynchronous mini-course, which provides an overview of the components of CALM, including the guiding principles, scope and sequence, developmental progressions, lesson structure, and teacher/student materials. All participants in these CALM Support Series offerings will receive access to the 22 CALM units, which includes over 90 math lessons for your academic year.

Identify your math teaching strengths and also where you may want to grow.

Sign up for our new asynchronous online course Using the Math Proficiency Guide to Become a More Effective Math Teacher, which provides participants with practical ways to learn from and implement the material in the Math Proficiency Guide to improve their own math instruction. The course is designed for new to experienced AE math instructors. The instructional strategies and ideas presented in this course are appropriate for all levels of math classes, whether your students are native English speakers or ESOL learners. The material is also designed to identify ways to make math instruction more equitable and culturally responsive for diverse student populations and communities.

Best wishes for the year before you, and please know that you are not alone on your math journey. The SABES Math Center is here for YOU, so please contact us ( should you need anything. We welcome your questions, PD requests, ideas, and individual coaching needs.

PD Center
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team