This is a curated list of resources and on-demand professional development for those working on, or planning, MassSTEP programs (IET and IELCE programs). 

For all MassSTEP guidance from ACLS (Adult and Community Learning Services), please refer to the MassSTEP ACLS webpage, which includes the MassSTEP Guidelines, Mission, Vision and Values, Directory of current programs, and How to apply.  

Developing MassSTEP Program: 

  • Integrated Education and Training Design Toolkit: The Integrated Education and Training Design Toolkit guides teams or individuals through the planning process for identifying, designing, and implementing an integrated education and training (IET) program that incorporates learner and employer needs.
  • Integrated Education and Training 101: This is a summary of the basic composition and requirements of an IET program, as mandated by WIOA.

Developing MassSTEP Curriculum:

Improving MassSTEP Program: 

Topic Area
Career Pathways
Workforce Development
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Center
SABES Program Support PD Team - Career Pathways