Stephanie Schweitzer Dixon

Stephanie Schweitzer Dixon
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Schweitzer Dixon

Stephanie Schweitzer Dixon, M.S. is a suicidologist and the CEO and founder of SSD Consulting. She works with nonprofit organizations, community task forces, suicide loss survivors, first responders, and public safety personnel, providing consultation and training on suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention, including starting and sustaining LOSS (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors) Teams.

Ms. Schweitzer Dixon has thirteen and a half years of experience managing a nonprofit suicide prevention organization. She trained various professionals, including first responders and law enforcement officers, about suicide prevention, mental health, and crisis intervention strategies. During those years, she coordinated a LOSS (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors) Team, helping suicide loss survivors while working with law enforcement agencies. Her expertise focuses on suicide loss survivors, trauma survivors, implementing and sustaining LOSS Team Programs, and law enforcement suicide prevention and postvention.

Ms. Schweitzer Dixon has a master’s degree in Forensic Psychology with a concentration in Mental Health Workers, First Responders, and Disaster Teams. She is a suicide prevention and postvention trainer and a member of the National Police Suicide Foundation and the National LOSS Team Conference Planning Committee.