
As adult educators, we have come to realize how essential digital literacy and digital resilience are for students to fully participate in classes, at work, and in daily life. We work very hard to create opportunities for equitable access by helping students acquire these critical skills. This workshop will help you organize your approach.

In this workshop, you will learn about WIOA’s definition of digital literacy, ACLS policies, and the Digital US definition of digital resilience. You will review ACLS’s recommended digital literacy standards for students and consider how they can serve as a framework for planning and instruction. You will explore what these concepts look like in real life, including examples from Teaching Skills That Matter (TSTM).

As part of this interactive workshop, you will explore the EdTech Integration Strategy Toolkit to find ideas for activities that fit your class routines and work in small groups to begin drafting an activity to use with students. 

Following the workshop, you will be asked to share a final draft of your activity plan and will be given the opportunity to review other participants' plans. During this time, we will be available to check in and support your progress.

Note: After you register, our Project Coordinator Ruzica Banovic will send you a confirmation email with the link to join the webinar.

Questions? Contact Diana Satin: dianarsatin@gmail.com


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Novice and intermediate teachers, tutors, advisors, and others who would like to implement high-quality, evidence-based instruction that maximizes opportunities for students to build their digital literacy and digital resilience

This online workshop will provide you with guidance on how to integrate digital literacy through a deliberate, cohesive plan that leads to student growth in understanding, confidence, and capacity to use digital literacy skills for existing and future needs.

 This is the first in a series of five Introduction to Digital Literacy online workshops, which will be posted to the SABES Calendar soon.

  • Maryland Digital Literacy Framework
  • Northstar Digital Literacy Standards
  • SkillRise (ISTE)
  • Teaching Skills That Matter

Following this Session: Next Steps

Your post-workshop assignment will be to develop a goal and draft a plan to address it, and then post it to a discussion board by 10/13. You will receive feedback from the presenter. We estimate it will take about one hour for you to complete the assignment, but you can work on it at your convenience.

This series is offered in partnership with the SABES Curriculum and Instruction PD Centers. Once you complete this introductory workshop, we encourage you to check out their content-specific digital literacy PD: 

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Describe digital literacy and digital resilience, and explain why each is critical for both staff and students in your program
  • Support staff and students in addressing the ACLS policies and guidelines related to digital literacy for instruction
  • Use a set of digital literacy standards to begin prioritizing at least one area for planning within your class or program
  • Begin drafting an activity to use with students
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
09/29/2022 - 1:00 pm to 09/29/2022 - 3:00 pm

United States

PD Center
SABES Program Support PD Team - Digital Literacy
Topic Area
Digital Literacy
Education Leadership & Program Management
New Staff