
In this third session of the SABES Digital Literacy series, participants will explore ways to build ABE and Advanced Multilingual learners’ digital literacy and digital resilience using problem-based and project-based learning along with a repertoire of technology skills and literacies (information, media, and network) to integrate in ELA content instruction.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Teachers and tutors of ELA and advanced-level English Learners

This session is the third in the SABES Digital Literacy series and builds upon the core concepts of the first session: Digital Literacy 101: Where to Begin! The second session is focused on Digital Literacy in Beginning and Intermediate-level ESOL Instruction: Engaging with Opportunities for Deeper Learning, October 28, 2022. In this third session, instructors of ELA and advanced-level language learners will explore ways that problem-based learning supports their learners' navigation of—and problem-solving in—technology-rich environments. Practitioners will first refine their understanding of the digital literacies that lead to digital resilience, then collaborate to analyze standards-aligned problem scenarios and projects that draw on and expand learners' digital and information literacy skills. Finally, working in context-alike teams, participants will discuss ways to adapt the session content and concepts to their own remote and in-person classes.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Use the problem-based and/or project-based learning approach to integrate digital literacy skills with into content instruction
  • Sequence a set of learning tasks to provide direct instruction in information and media literacy skills and build learners’ digital resilience
  • Differentiate between the reading skills and strategies required for close reading online and in print
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)
  1. Please bring both your smartphone and your primary device (desktop, laptop, tablet).
  2. Recommended: Digital Literacy 101: Where to Begin! (If you missed attending on September 29, 2022, you may request to watch the recording from dianarsatin@gmail.com.
11/15/2022 - 2:00 pm to 11/15/2022 - 4:00 pm

United States

PD Team
C&I PD Centers Collaboration
Topic Area
Curriculum Development
Digital Literacy
Distance and Blended Learning
English Language Arts
ESOL/English Learners