Program Support PD Center: Customized Coaching

We can work with you to address your/your program’s specific needs through customized coaching meetings!

What Does Coaching Look Like?

Because coaching is customized according to your specific PD needs, it can take many forms. It can range from a one-hour session to sustained support over time. Read on for examples for priority areas that the Program Support PD Center supports.

  • ADA Resources: Coaching calls with a teacher looking for the best supports for her student who is deaf
  • Digital Literacy: Meetings with a program’s teachers to strengthen their digital literacy instruction 
  • ​​​​Volunteer Coordination: Addressing questions related to volunteer-run learning circles
  • Educational Leadership: Support for new directors
  • Connecting Adults with AE Programs: Outreach campaigns and recruitment strategies 
  • ABE Licensure: Helping a teacher make progress towards her Adult Basic Education Licensure attainment

Want to learn more?

Visit the Program Support PD Center home page or contact PSPDC Director Alexandra Papagno ( for more information.

PD Center
SABES Program Support Team