These resources are collected for advisors who are participating in the Art of Advising training. These resources will be available during and after the completion of the course. 

The Art of Advising introduces practical tools, strategies, and approaches for staff whose primary responsibility is advising. Content and activities focus on effective practices aligned with Indicator of Program Quality #7 (IPQ7). IPQ7 addresses the equitable delivery of advising and support services to help students identify and make progress towards educational and career goals. While this offering is geared towards staff who are new to the advisor role, it can also benefit experienced advisors seeking to refresh their knowledge and skills.

Education and Career Planning

Self and Career Exploration Resources

Integrating Digital Literacy:

Advising Scope and Sequences

ADA and Disability Resources

Reporting Abuse and Neglect

Immigrant and Refugee Resources

Integrating Career Awareness Into the ABE and ESOL Classroom

State and Community Resources 

  • MassEdCO: education and career readiness services for low-income, first generation, underrepresented and marginalized youth and adults in Massachusetts

Trauma Informed Advising Resources

Massachusetts-specific mental health resources: 

Topic Area
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Center
SABES Program Support Team