The SABES ELA PD Center has developed three ELA What-to-Look-For guides (a.k.a., "Look-For" guides) in collaboration with ACLS to support teacher effectiveness in ABE. These guides are part of the Classroom Visit Toolkit–A Holistic Approach to Classroom Observations

Organized by level, the Look-For guides are designed for both formal and informal classroom observations. They can also support practitioners in understanding what effective ELA instruction looks like in adult education.

Each guide's first page highlights standards-based teaching based on the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adults, the ABE student learning standards adopted in Massachusetts. The second page delineates teacher and student behaviors aligned with Indicators from the ABE Professional Standards that you can expect to see in a rigorous ABE ELA class.

Teachers can use these guides in a variety of ways:

  • The CONTENT page can be used for self-reflection. While reviewing the CONTENT page, you can check off what you believe can be observed in your class and “star” one item you want to begin incorporating into your instruction.
  • The PRACTICE page can be used to reflect on what you see in yourself during instruction.
  • The PRACTICE page can also help you reflect on what you observe your students doing during instruction. Are there areas where you may need to assess and see if students are engaging in these practices?
  • The CONTENT and/or PRACTICE page can be used to observe fellow teachers.
Topic Area
Education Leadership & Program Management
English Language Arts
Professional Standards
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Team
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
Action Type