Data Activities with EMPower and NPR's Planet Money

The EMPower book Many Points Make a Point has a highly recommended data activity lesson called Countries in Our Closets (see link to free download below). In the activity, students read their clothing labels and collect data on where their clothes are made. Students then use that data to create different types of graphs. The activity is a great leaping off point for math teachers who want to explore math in a real-world context, with connections to science and social studies.

We’ve gathered some resources and teaching ideas for exploring the math, science, and social studies connections to Countries in Our Closet. (Teachers using the CALM curriculum can also use these resources to supplement CALM Unit 15, Lesson 1.) The resources we mention are organized around a series of videos produced by Planet Money, a podcast featured on the NPR programs, Morning Edition and All Things Considered.

Learn about the Planet Money series "Planet Money Makes a T-shirt" and how it can be used to teach math, science, and social studies!

Topic Area
ADEI (anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion)
Distance and Blended Learning
Mathematics and Adult Numeracy
Social Studies
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Center
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team
Action Type