What I Use in My Classroom
According to the website, What I Use in My Classroom is a "teacher-authored collection of resource reviews for free online tools and materials. The recommended resources are accompanied by teachers’ reflections on the product’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as how they’ve used it effectively within their own local settings.
All of the teacher reviewers are experienced educators who are members of Student Achievement Partners’ Core Advocate Network, and are familiar with the requirements of today’s college- and career-ready standards."
As usual, the audience is K–12 teachers, mostly adaptable by adult education practitioners. Think of this as Achieve the Core's Resource Library. In fact, several of the sites they mention are already listed in our SABES Resource Library—confirmation that we've chosen well. So check out this new resource about resources, and as always, let us know what you think (write to lnayak@qcc.mass.edu).