Applying Research in Reading Instruction for Adults: First Steps for Teachers (2005)
Developed for adult education teachers "who want to build and strengthen adults’ reading skills," Applying Research in Reading Instruction for Adults: First Steps for Teachers provides guidance on how to plan and deliver reading instruction. Research-backed strategies that have been proven to work are described in detail, with sample instructional activities "to make research principles concrete for readers." (p.viii)
In addition to the four components of reading (alphebetics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension), there are chapters on "Understanding Reading Instruction for Adult Learners," "Understanding Reading Assessment, "Initial Assessment and Instructional Planning," and "Planning Reading Instruction for Adults."
This resource can supplement professional development around EBRI and serve as a reference for EBRI practitioners.
Applying Research in Reading Instruction for Adults: First Steps for Teachers was developed by Susan McShane at the National Center for Family Literacy, now called The National Center for Families Learning, and published by the former National Institute for Literacy.