Cognitive Strategy Instruction

It's widely recognized that many of our Adult Ed students have learning challenges and disabilities, diagnosed and un-diagnosed. This site, from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's program on Special Education and Communication Disorders, is about Cognitive Strategy Instruction.  It includes Teaching Strategies, Lesson Plans, and resources on Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Study Skills, and Self-Regulation. Created for K-12, adaptable for Adult Ed.

"Cognitive Strategy Instruction is a tool intended to help students develop the necessary skills to be self-regulated learners. CSI is effective for a variety of learners, but particularly students with learning disabilities. Students with learning disabilities often do not develop the types of strategies necessary to successfully attack tasks.

Students with learning disabilities have problems that go beyond academics, and these problems can adversely affect academic performance.

We should stress that the instructional process is what determines the effectiveness of strategy instruction."


Topic Area
ESOL/English Learners
Learning Disabilities / Differences
Mathematics and Adult Numeracy
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Center
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team