Csilla Tambor


Csilla Tambor is the Director of Volunteer Engagement at English At Large, a volunteer-based non-profit organization that provides free English instruction to adult immigrants in 21 Boston-area towns. She is responsible for the recruitment, training, and ongoing support and development of EAL volunteers.  Prior to joining English At Large, she taught general, business and academic English courses at Boston-area language schools. 

Teach It: The Events of Wednesday, January 6, 2021 in Washington, D.C.

How have you been dealing with this week's news in your classes, or reacting when your students bring it up? Teaching Tolerance advises,

Do not quiet or dismiss students who want to talk about what's happening. This is an issue of immediate importance, and it will occupy their minds whether you discuss it in class or not. Set aside the time necessary to catch them up on the news available to you, and debrief.

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