Victoria Neff


Victoria Neff helps World Education and partners use technology to improve the reach and benefits of education and workforce development initiatives across the world. Victoria has experience designing, implementing, and researching technology and digital learning initiatives. Victoria joins the EdTech Center from World Education’s Asia & Special Projects division, where she managed ICT4D and educational technology initiatives, from using mobile technology to optimize data collection for early grade literacy assessments under the TEST project to working with the Cambodian government and UNESCO to design and pilot the first online equivalency program for out of school youth under the Basic Education Equivalency Project (BEEP). Victoria has spent over a decade working at the intersection of technology, education and social impact. She is passionate about removing barriers to digital access and innovative digital solutions that can enhance learning and life outcomes. She was recently recognized as a leader in accessibility by Adobe. She has a BA in global studies from Providence College and an MA in international development from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies. 

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