Math & Numeracy: All News

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English language learners (ELLs) aren’t just enrolled in ESOL classes. In many programs, ELLs are in adult basic education (ABE) classes as well. However, ABE teachers may be unsure about how to teach math to these students effectively and in a culturally respectful manner. ELLs in the ABE Math...

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Many people have strong opinions about vaccination. Use our new lesson materials with your students to initiate a discussion of the mix of fact and feelings that underlie our beliefs on the subject. The lessons cover the history of vaccines; the science behind how they work; and the math of risk...

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If you're overwhelmed or frustrated by the shift from in-person instruction to remote instruction, we hear you! There are a lot of potential instructional tools and delivery options out there, and while it's great to have choices, sometimes it feels like too much of a good thing! What should you...

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With the event of COVID-19, we hear the word "pandemic" all the time. But do you and your students know the math behind how pandemics spread so quickly? The SABES Math Center, in partnership with the SABES ELA Center, has developed two sets of ready-to-use, downloadable lesson plans and student...

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ACLS defines digital literacy as: the skills associated with using technology to enable users to find, evaluate, organize, create, and communicate information. While many of us focus on the ‘literacy’ part of digital literacy and think about reading and writing, the definition of digital literacy...

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Are you one of the many instructors who will be teaching your math classes from a distance this semester? Wondering how to teach concepts in a concrete way when you can't be in the same place as your students? The SABES Math Center is here to help! We've put together a quicklist of some of our...

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Now, more than ever, we need to support caregivers and children by providing opportunities for families to learn together. We know it can be frustrating and overwhelming for adults to be suddenly thrust into the role of a math teacher, and we are committed to providing caregivers with quality...

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Looking for ideas to introduce your adult students to online tools? Check out our list of free and fun resources!

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When Donna Curry, the director of the Math and Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Center, started teaching many years ago, she says she taught "just as she had been taught." There was only one way to teach math, and it hadn’t changed much throughout the years. Yes, there were way too many...

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Frustrated that your students continue to struggle with word problems? You might think it's because they don't read carefully enough, but it could be that they don't know how to make sense of the situation. Singapore Strips (also called bar models or tape diagrams) are a visual tool that can help...