We are pleased to announce that the newest issue of The Change Agent is now available online. Thanks to our partnership with the New England Literacy Resource Center (NELRC), The Change Agent is available to all Massachusetts adult educators for free. If you have not already, please go here to...
Career Pathways: All News
“Everyone is an advisor now” is a familiar refrain these days, as we all recognize that learners need many supports normally relegated to advising programs. To support a programmatic approach to advising, the Program Support Professional Development Center (PSPDC) developed and circulated The...
Since 1993, the Massachusetts Adult Literacy Hotline (Hotline), has connected adults with over 300 adult education programs that offer one-on-one, small-group, or classroom tutoring and instruction to adult learners. The Hotline provides access to information about reading, writing, math, English...
The Program Support PD Center (PSPDC) has written an outstationing brief that highlights the work of outstationed staff across the state, including successful partnerships within workforce areas and resulting student success. In developing this brief, the PSPDC identified and interviewed current...
World Education, Inc. (WEI) is delighted to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Massachusetts Adult Literacy Hotline, which, thanks to funding from ACLS, we have been privileged to develop and coordinate since its inception in 1992. For 25 years, the Hotline has found resources for adult learners...