Program Support: Resources, Research, and Curriculum


This YouTube channel features a half-dozen webinars focused on coaching skills. The series is directed at people who work with primarily low-income...


This website provides a vast array of resources -- websites, fact sheets, guides -- for disabled persons, including resources for their families...


This resource is a description of the coaching/mentoring mindset and approaches that help strengthen parents’ (and learners’) goal-setting and...


This resource is a guide to the challenges and supports -- including informational structure and presentation -- that might affect social services...


This resource is a checklist of the steps and stages a program may follow to help learners identify career interests and strengthen related skills...


This resource is a collection of hundreds of videos covering all manner of career fields -- business, medicine, engineering, natural sciences, and...


Drawing from a two-year demonstration project, this report outlines the factors and variables which lead to learner persistence and success in college...


This resource is a “meta-file” of links to online documents, guidelines, best practices, and videos, all of which will aid literacy program staff in...


From the FCC, t his resource is an explanation of the discount available to low-income families and individuals for telephone and internet services.


Drawn from collaborations with 18 adult literacy programs, this extensive report details the support mechanisms and strategies necessary at every...