Massachusetts NRS Assessments: Resources, Research and Curriculum


This fact sheet is a basic primer on formative assessment including the elements of the formative assessment process, recommended strategies and an...


This article by Rick Stiggins and Jan Chappuis was published in Theory into Practice in 2005. The authors argue that the failure of 60 years of total...


This paper summarizes the key messages from the National Research and Development Centre and other research and development activity on formative...


Ready-made benchmark tests cannot substitute for day-to-day formative assessment conducted by assessment-literate teachers.


Formative assessment refers to the ongoing process students and teachers engage in when the focus on learning goals, take stock of where current work...


The authors advocate rebalancing assessment priorities to bring classroom assessment into the equation. Evidence gathered over decades from around the...


Classroom assessment that involves students in the process and focuses on increasing learning can motivate rather than merely measure students.


This resource was adapted by SABES PD Center for Assessment to show only approved Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education...


The Massachusetts Adult Proficiency Tests (MAPT) comprise ABE reading and math tests at several levels. The knowledge and skills measured by the MAPT...


This page will give you an overview of the BEST Plus test and the specifics of test administration. You can visit at any time...