Sherry Lehane shows teachers the features on and gives some ideas about how to use it with students.
Math and Numeracy: Videos
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In this video, adult English learners talk about the kind of math instruction that has helped them understand and retain what they have learned in math class.
In this video, adult English learners and their instructor talk about the value of using a variety of strategies in math class to make sense of and solve problems.
This narrated exploration provides an overview to the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adut Education (CCRSAE) for Mathematics. It includes quick glimpses at the Mathematical Practices and
This brief video defines what a curriculum is and how having one in place helps teachers. The video also defines the parts of a curriculum, including scope and sequence, instructional units, lessons
English learner students in a math class talk about how important it is to learn math, and how well they learn it in classes taught by SABES instructors. (SABES)
In this video, produced by the SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy C&I PD Center, the instructor draws on her own recent teaching experiences as she shares strategies for building community in online
Singapore Strips are a visual tool that can help students make sense of word problems by promoting student engagement and understanding. This video shows how Singapore Strips can be introduced and