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This site assesses the readability of websites - just copy and paste the URL.  It also gives interesting information on various readability formulas.
This site allows you to use the Lexile Framework to find the level for a whole book. Type the name of a book into the upper right-hand corner of the site where "Quick Book Search" is indicated, and the Lexile level for the book will pop up on the screen. Compare that with the table in CCRS Reading…
This site allows you to choose from among several different readability formulas, and it formats the passage in a way that can be useful for fluency practice (timed readings).
If you have a particular article, passage, or short story you want to use with students, this free website is a good go-to for figuring out if it's in the ballpark for the level of students you are teaching (using Reading Anchor Standard 10). The website offers a variety of readability formulas for…
Thank you for stopping at the DL and Tech Support resource table at the 2015 CCR Conference.  I know handouts with lots of links drive me crazy.  I've collected all the handouts together in this one document for you to have in digital format.  This will allow you to click through the…
This site provides a quick and easy assessment tool to help people identify possible occupations based on their interests and personality type. It provides a full description of occupations, including tasks, skills, knowledge, and education needed. It also has videos of occupations.
Smart About Money is a website for consumers developed by the National Endowment for Financial Education. The website includes online courses and a wealth of tools and resources to guide daily spending and saving decisions, plan for emergencies, plug spending leaks, and identify life values.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers the Your Money, Your Goals toolkit and resources for human services professionals and educators to introduce basic financial literacy concepts to their students and clients.
American Student Assistance® provides web-based tools and information about financial planning, and student loans, free of charge to students and graduates.
The Job Training Alliance (JTA) is a network of greater Boston community-based workforce development organizations. JTA utilizes the combined power of member agencies to maximize and advocate for employment opportunities for low-income residents through sustained funding for workforce development.