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This guide presents the culmination of 2 years’ work in identifying research-based instructional practices in the content areas of mathematics and numeracy. It synthesizes important practices and competencies represented in current research on math instruction.
Designing Instruction with the Components of Numeracy uses the Components of Numeracy to illustrate how to design effective lessons. This is a companion document to The Components of Numeracy.
Activities, guides, videos, and other resources for enabling environmental organizers and the community members to confidently engage with the math and science concepts that come up in environmental advocacy work.
A comparison of US and other computation methods for math teachers and students of various backgrounds.
OVAE contracted with MPR Associates, Inc. and its partners at Rutgers University, the University of Tennessee, and TERC to analyze the national Mathematics Advisory Panel’s report, Foundations for Success: The National Mathematics Advisory panel Final Report to see if any of its findings or…
This resource explores the reasons that algebraic thinking is necessary for adults to enable them to meet the demands of the workplace of the future. It further explores the reasons that algebraic reasoning needs to be integrated early into all levels of arithmetic instruction.
This is a must-read for those wondering why they cannot continue to teach as they have in the past. Because the research literature did not cover what mathematical knowledge students have, James Stigler undertook fieldwork to learn more about students’ understanding of basic mathematics, and…
Did you know that there was an honors society for students in adult ed?? How neat would it be to recognize your program’s hard workers and good attenders?
CCR Standards-based professional development (PD) materials made for adult educators. There are eight units of PD materials—four for English language arts/literacy (ELA/literacy) and four for mathematics. They all incorporate the key instructional advances that identify the most significant parts…
OCTAE administers, coordinates programs that are related to adult education and literacy, career and technical education, and community colleges.