SABES Tips and Highlights

It's about more

"It's about more than scoring well on a test, it's about being ready for college and career." 

Per Barbara Bradbury, Springfield Adult Learning Center at Springfield Technical Community College, about teaching students for success in their lives rather than for passing tests

Learning from Each Other

"I have also learned that there are different ways to approach a proportion question, and if the student can articulate his reasoning, then we can both learn from each other."

Making Sense of Proportional Reasoning, December, 2017

Massachusetts Adult Education High Quality PD Standard #1

HQPD acknowledges and addresses the unique context of ABE, the variety of preparation and experience with which adult educators come to ABE, and the diverse realities and needs of adult learners. 

Massachusetts Adult Education Standards for High Quality Professional Development (HQPD)

Definitely Increased My Understanding

"DESE places such a strong emphasis on the three instructional shifts that I believe they require a special understanding of how to incorporate them into ESOL lessons in the best, most practical ways possible. I'm so grateful to have taken the Recipes course and it has definitely increased my understanding of the three key instructional shifts. … Thank you so much and again, I really got so much out of the course!"

Michelle Walch, participant in The Recipe for Success: The CCRSAE and Instructional Shifts for ELA

Pandemic Commitment

"My students’ willingness to learn and work is amazing. It’s incredible how committed they are, despite the challenges of the pandemic. I am so proud of them!”

Sandra Ortiz, Lawrence Adult Learning Center