Remember that time you created an amazing lesson plan for your students and couldn’t wait to teach it?

Can you recall a time when you spent a lot of energy planning and researching new tools and technology, hoping to get your students excited about math? You were ready, but when the time came to teach that lesson, a much smaller group of students came to class that day than you’d expected. The lesson likely worked with some modifications, but you were disappointed that so many other students missed out on that rich learning experience you’d spent so much time preparing for them.

The SABES Math PD Center team includes over a dozen adult educators just like you who love developing exceptional opportunities to learn and grow in our understanding of math and numeracy. Their ideas incorporate what they hear from the field and what they read in current articles and research about adult math and numeracy. They work hard to design professional development workshops and math resources that combine just the right amount of collaboration, instructional routines, and robust resources to send teachers back to their classrooms prepared and confident.

They do this for you – their colleagues – for the same reasons you spend so much time creating your own lesson plans. They hope to inspire you by making math content and problem-solving strategies more accessible (even those of you who never thought of yourself as a “math person”). Our team feels gratified to deliver a new PD offering or share a new math packet or unit plan and know that teachers enjoyed it and found it useful. It’s the same feeling we, as teachers, get when we are able to deliver that amazing lesson plan to our students. And only one thing could make that great feeling even better…

We need YOU to make this happen!

YOU are the one thing that all high-quality math PD needs! Without you, your participation, your questions, and your feedback, all of these PD offerings and resources are serving no one. We encourage you to take part in the ideas, collaboration, discussions, and learning that are available to MA adult education practitioners through SABES, free of charge.

Math classroom

The SABES Math PD Center is here to help YOU, just like you are there to help your students. However, in order to do so, you need to register for and attend PD events. For example, have you ever wanted to know how to teach about positive and negative numbers without asking students to memorize yet one more shortcut? Then register for our brand-new CALM Support Series: Positive and Negative Numbers to explore the ways to visually model the operations without relying on memorization. Even if you’ve not attended a CALM training or haven’t started using CALM, you are welcome to attend this 1.5-hour facilitated and interactive workshop.

Are you needing some math resources and lessons designed for students at a GLE of 2-4?

We’ve developed three packets of content just for you. You can register here to learn how to use the teacher and student packets for one of those packets in the BeCALM series - the Beginning Curriculum for Adults Learning Math (BeCALM) Geometry. Looking for something that’s not on our calendar or on our list of nearly 75 PD offerings? No problem! In addition to PD opportunities already available, we offer individual and team coaching and customized PD. All you need to do is contact us ( should you need math teaching support or inspiration. We welcome your questions, PD requests, ideas, and individual coaching needs. We hope to see you soon!

PD Center
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team