Bridges to Practice: A Research-Based Guide for Literacy Practitioners Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities is a resource with over 1,000 pages of disability-based resources. There are five individual guidebooks included in it that are designed for literacy programs to enhance the quality of services provided to adults with learning disabilities (LD). Each individual guidebook addresses specific areas related to LD in adult education, such as handling legal issues, screening for learning disabilities, selecting curriculum options, using effective instructional methods, and creating professional development opportunities. The following items are appended to the various guidebooks:

  • Glossary and important definitions of learning disabilities (Guidebook 1)
  • Report cards on selected screening instruments, list of inappropriate instruments for screening for learning disabilities in adults, and discussion of reliability and validity (Guidebook 2)
  • Report cards on instructional materials (Guidebook 3)
  • Characteristics of the strategies instructional model and discussion of the role of phonological awareness in learning to read (Guidebook 4)
  • Needs assessment instruments, presenter notes, graphic organizers, case studies, and worksheets (Guidebook 5)

The guidebooks contain a total of 542 references. Of particular note, pages 143–182 offer examples and case studies that  could be used by programs developing informal screening tools or determining the best formal tool for use in their program.

Topic Area
ADA & Disability Inclusion
ADEI (anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion)
English Language Arts
Family Literacy
Learning Disabilities / Differences
Media Type
Resource Type
Research/Evidence-Based Practice
PD Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - ADA Resources & Training