"Introduction to Author's Purpose and Persuasive Strategies"
Lesson 2 of 3 for the ELA unit,
"Where Did You Hear That? Becoming Critical Consumers of News Media"
Websites used in Lesson 2:
- MA STAR Handbook, pg. 17 chart of vocabulary strategies
- ReadWriteThink's Persuasive Techniques in Advertising
- Choose your own sources for headlines and articles. A few possibilities: Newsela (must register for a free account), The Times in Plain English, and regular news outlets (ex. The Boston Globe, U.S. News and World Reports, BBC News)
- Hubspot's Introduction to Persuasive Advertising vs. Informative Advertising
- ReadWriteThink's list of resources for finding advertisements
Lesson 2 Plan and Handouts:
Topic Area
Civics and Citizenship
Curriculum Development
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Team
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team