Dani Scherer is a technical advisor at World Education, Inc. and brings years of experience developing curriculum, providing professional development, and teaching in adult education. As a member of the SABES Program Support PD Center team at World Education, Ms. Scherer leads the design and delivery of professional development related to career pathways, integrated education and training, and career navigation for adult educators in Massachusetts. Nationally, she provides technical assistance to the Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans (EARN) project to build adult education’s capacity to develop and enhance high-quality IELCE programming that supports the linguistic, economic, and civic pillars of immigrant integration. Ms. Scherer has developed workforce training curriculum, coordinated a national curriculum project for immigrant and refugee farmers, and authored guides and reports to support foreign-trained professionals as they navigate credentialing requirements to re-enter their professional fields. Ms. Scherer has a BA in English and American cultural studies from Bates College and an MEd from the University of Massachusetts’s Teacher Education and Curriculum Development program.