All adult learners deserve to receive high-quality instruction from effective teachers. There are many factors that impact student learning; however, research has shown that the single most influential school-based factor impacting student achievement is teacher quality and effectiveness. For this reason, ACLS encourages programs to adopt a process that supports effective teacher supervision, growth, and evaluation. Although the Educator Growth and Evaluation (EGE) model is not mandated, ACLS supports its use by programs to address this need.
The EGE six-step model incorporates planning, self-assessment and reflection, informed goal setting, targeted professional learning, and ongoing constructive feedback. It is intended to empower teachers, who work with coaches, to drive the process forward as active participants. Each step capitalizes on collaboration and promotes evidence-based learning.
Our SABES Program Support PD Center expert Andy Nash, working collaboratively with ACLS and the three SABES Curriculum and Instruction PD Centers, has led the development of a series of online, self-paced modules that provide an overview of the EGE model and each of its six steps. Within this series, you learn about the EGE six steps, consider how to adapt the model and connect it to the goals of your program, identify resources and readiness, recruit your EGE team, and prepare for implementation.
The five EGE online modules are intended to be completed in sequence. The first cohort of EGE participants is underway, and we are planning to offer the EGE series again, possibly in the summer for those who can participate and/or again in the fall. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Luanne_teller@worlded.org. As always, please be sure to register for a SABES account and select “Program Support” notifications to receive automatic notifications via email when new EGE sessions are posted to the SABES Calendar.