Thanks to our SABES partnership with our Rhode Island adult education colleagues, Chris Bourret, Education Director at RIFLI, has generously invited you to join the Rhode Island Google Applied Digital Skills training, offered virtually by Google and COABE, on Monday, October 26, from 1:00 pm. – 4:00 p.m.

Google and COABE are continuing their focus to empower local adult education organizations to run their own Applied Digital Skills trainings. The free training aims to match adult educators with the training and curriculum essential to meet the workforce skills their students require.

Applied Digital Skills is Google’s free, online digital literacy curriculum. Applied Digital Skills has lessons for a wide range of students, including adult learners. Instead of teaching digital skills with an instructional manual, the curriculum uses a series of videos to guide students through creating a project from scratch. This means that students who complete a lesson leave with a useful project such as a resume, a monthly budget, a project plan, and more. 

This session is being offered by COABE, so please register here. For more information, you can also go to Google Applied Skills or contact


PD Team
SABES Program Support PD Team - Digital Literacy