Learn the history of Hispanic Heritage Month
PBS Learning Media Video (1:41)
- Latino Stats: American Hispanics By The Numbers – book by Idelisse Malavé & Esti Giordani
- Pew Research Center Hispanic Latino Statistics and Data
- Slow Reveal Graphs at https://slowrevealgraphs.com/?s=latin
- Math and Hispanic Heritage Month – blog by SABES Math Center team member Pam Meader
- Meeting Minerva: A Journey of Discovery in Mathematical Identity – blog by SABES Math Center team member Mark Trushkowsky
- EduTalks: Filiberto Barajas-Lopez & What Exactly Is School Math For? – In this thought-provoking video, Professor Filiberto Barajas-Lopez argues all cultures have rich mathematical traditions that we need to draw upon, asking two powerful questions: (1) Do our students feel like their own culture is reflected in the math they are learning? (2) What opportunities exist for them to develop lasting mathematical identities? His work focuses on ways that teachers can amplify opportunities for immigrant and non-immigrant students of color to productively participate in school math and learn ways to expand the way we understand what kinds of math count.
- Mathigon Timeline of Mathematics – This timeline shows cross-cultural contributions to mathematics from the Stone Age until today. Below are three of the celebrated contributions from the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations.
- The Mayan Number System
- Maya Numbers – This website explains the Maya number system. It has an interactive game (and practice rounds) for writing Maya numbers and performing operations with Maya numbers.
- The Maya Base-20 Number System – This video explains the difference between base-10 and base-20 as well as the importance of the Maya invention of the zero.
- Mayan Numbers ($0.99) – This app allows for an exploration of the Maya number system, which is base-20 (vigesimal), as opposed to base-10 (decimal).
- Making a right angle the Maya way – This classroom activity shows how the Maya were able to make right angles and build great cities without a way to measure angles by using a length of rope and equilateral triangles.
What do you notice? What do you wonder?
Famous Latino Mathematicians
- Lathisms – This website was founded in 2016 to celebrate the work and contributions of contemporary Latinx and Hispanic mathematicians during Hispanic Heritage Month. Each annual calendar has a biography of a Latinx/Hispanic mathematician, for each day of the month. The biographies include information about their work, their teaching, and their service.
- Famous Mexican mathematicians: The Most Famous Mexican Mathematicians – Yucatán Magazine (yucatanmagazine.com)
- Five Hispanic and Latino Mathematicians: Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month: Five Hispanic and Latino Mathematicians (dreambox.com)
- Hispanics that have led the way in mathematics: Hispanics Who Have Led The Way in Math (7generationgames.com)
Famous Latina Women in STEM
- Ten Women Latinas in STEM: 10 Latinas Making Their Mark in the STEM World (remezcla.com)
- Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski: Meet Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski aka "The New Einstein": Daily Planet – YouTube
- Laura Gomez: 20 Questions with Atipica CEO Laura Gomez – YouTube
- Nicole Hernandez Hammer: Why Climate Scientist Nicole Hernández Hammer Takes the Fight to the Streets – YouTube (audio only) ; Jack Black Explores Miami's Climate and Sea-Rise Challenge – YouTube (an interview with Nicole Hernandez Hammer)
- Alissa Chavez: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cNPKZArSkQ
- Diana Sierra: 'I changed laptops for panties': interview with Diana Sierra, CEO of Be Girl – YouTube
- Vanessa Galvez: 5D 4D Vanessa Galvez Visit 10 04 22 Final – YouTube (in Spanish with English subtitles)
- Scarlin Hernandez: NASA Hispanic Heritage Month Employee Profile – Scarlin Hernandez – JWST Spacecraft Engineer (STScI) – YouTube
- Gabriela Farfan: Mineral Talks LIVE – Episode 75 – Dr. Gabriela Farfan; Curatrix, Smithsonian Museum, Wash. D.C., USA - YouTube
- Stephanie Castillo: Latina Girls Code seeks to bring Latinas into the tech industry – YouTube
- Patricia Valoy: Patricia Valoy – Latinas representation in the U.S. media – YouTube
Famous Latino Men in STEM
- Jaime Escalante: Making a Difference: Jaime Escalante – YouTube
- Alejandro Adem: What can I do with my PhD? Episode 8: Alejandro Adem – YouTube; Alejandro Adem, Royal Society – YouTube
- Carlos Castillo-Chavez: Morning Scramble – Carlos Castillo-Chavez, MCMSC Director Interview – YouTube
- José M. Hernández: The inspiring true story behind new film 'A Million Miles Away' – YouTube
Topic Area
ADEI (anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion)
Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Teaching
ESOL/English Learners
Mathematics and Adult Numeracy
Social Studies
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Team
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team
Action Type