Learner Variability Teacher Guide cover

Digital Promise, an organization working toward equitable education systems, has created a self-study guide to support teachers in exploring learner variability and using the Learner Variability Navigator, a free online tool that translates the science of learner variability into easily accessible learner factor maps and strategies. In addition to addressing the needs of K–12 learners, the navigator also reflects research into the science of adult learning and strategies that are relevant to adult education in their Adult Learner Model. 

The self-study guide to addressing learner variability includes seven activities and five guidelines to deepen your understanding of learner variability.  This is a great resource designed both to extend your own professional learning and to design professional learning for your colleagues.

Topic Area
ADA & Disability Inclusion
Advising & Student Support Services
Corrections Education
Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Teaching
Curriculum Development
ADEI (anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion)
ADEI Professional Growth
ESOL/English Learners
Learning Disabilities / Differences
Trauma Informed
Media Type
Resource Type
Research/Evidence-Based Practice
PD Team
C&I PD Centers Collaboration
Action Type