two adults using visual aids to understand

The resources on this page are specifically curated to narrow your search for key materials in your work with students who have learning disabilities, differences, and difficulties, particularly in math and numeracy. More broadly, you can be assured that the work we do at the SABES Math Center has always had this population in mind. In fact, it’s been at the heart of our approach to math and numeracy instruction at the Adult Numeracy Center (ANC) at TERC for almost 25 years. The ANC, which manages the SABES Math Center, specializes in creating mathematical learning experiences for teachers through our high-quality professional development. We do this so teachers can return to their programs having the support they need to apply the instructional strategies written into the standards-aligned classroom materials that the Center also provides for the students. (Many of the materials are also available in Spanish.)

We believe in teaching math from a visual, hands-on, and conceptual understanding perspective that benefits ALL learners and that keeps goals in place and considers multiple means of reaching those goals. We do all these things in support of the SABES Math Center’s ADEI Goals in which we strive to foster math classrooms where…

• Everyone feels they belong, and are important, and everyone gets the support they need to achieve their lifelong learning goals.

• Everyone sees themselves, and is seen by others, as a capable math thinker, and an accomplished person.

• Everyone is empowered to bring their learning back to their families and communities.

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audio icon Watch and Think

The following videos model how to meet diverse needs (Professional Standard P1.4) in your instructional practice.


Attribution: graphics are from

Topic Area
ADEI (anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion)
ADEI Professional Growth
Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Teaching
Curriculum Development
Learning Disabilities / Differences
Math & Numeracy
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Team
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team