The National COVID-19 Rapid Response Report for Adult Educators is out! From the Introduction:
"In March 2020, much of the U.S. suddenly shut down in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of the Evidence-Based Adult Education System (E-BAES) taskforce set out to learn how the pandemic was affecting the field of adult basic, secondary, and transitions education (ABSTE). Two complementary inquiries were implemented, one drawing on interviews and the other on surveys. A diverse pool of practitioners (e.g., administrators, instructional leaders, and teachers) and state staff participated. The goals were 1) to describe the instructional and programmatic shifts programs made in response to stay-at-home orders and 2) to illustrate the challenges and successes they experienced.
Interviews were conducted between late April and the third week in May....The 49 respondents from 20 states included 9 state directors, 15 program directors/ managers, 6 program coordinators/instructional specialists, 14 instructors, and 5 individuals who did not fit any of the previous categories....
The report is organized around nine key topics designed to capture recurring themes and patterns across interview responses. 'Key Takeaways' are listed at the end of each section and are followed by a list of innovations/recommendations that represent distinctive program responses that are not necessarily captured in the descriptions that precede them. Where relevant, survey results are added to substantiate or elaborate the interview data."