SABES Program Support Events Through Wednesday, 1/31/24
Today we are sending out a list of open Program Support offerings through January 31st. Check out the Program Support Upcoming Events Calendar tab or visit the new Event Listing from the Calendar page anytime!
Monday, 1/29 - ADA Coordinator Training
ADVISING (In-Person Session)
Wednesday, 1/17 - Advisor Sharing and Learning Group Meeting—Northeast (Lawrence)
ADVISING (Online Facilitated)
Monday, 1/22 - Advisor Sharing and Learning Group—Central
ADVISING (Self-Paced Modules)
Tuesday, 1/9 - Advising PD: “On Demand” When Your Schedule Allows!
Tuesday, 1/16 - Art of Advising
CAREER PATHWAYS (Online Facilitated Sessions)
Wednesday, 1/24 - Teaching With Burlington English Career Courses
DIGITAL LITERACY (Online Facilitated Sessions)
Friday, 1/5 - For Staff: Yes, You Can! Build Your Own Digital Literacy Skills—January Orientation
Wednesday, 1/17 - Digital Literacy in Beginning and Intermediate ESOL Instruction: Engaging with Opportunities for Deeper Learning
Friday, 1/19 - Digital Literacy Tools With a Purpose: Advising for Career Planning and Job Search
Friday, 1/19 - For Staff: Yes, You Can! Build Your Own Digital Literacy Skills Check-In
Wednesday, 1/24 - Reintroducing KET FastForward Online HSE Prep
DIGITAL LITERACY (Online Blended Sessions)
Friday, 1/26 - Remote Learning Sharing & Learning Group
DIGITAL LITERACY (Self-Paced Module)
Tuesday, 1/9 - Digital Literacy PD: “On Demand” When Your Schedule Allows!
MassSTEP (Online Facilitated)
Thursday, 1/18 - Identifying, Assessing, and Sustaining MassSTEP Partnerships
Thursday, 1/25 - MassSTEP Sharing Group
NEW STAFF (Self-Paced Module)
Tuesday, 1/16 - Foundations for New Staff