This fall, as your distance and blended teaching program continues to evolve, the Program Support Professional Development Center (PSPDC) is offering a PD series designed to support you in building high-quality distance and blended learning classes, both in the short-term to address our remote needs during the COVID pandemic, and for a longer-term vision for how to extend learning and reach new student audiences.
This PD series—IDEAL MA—is designed for programs using the FY21 Option 3 funding for planning and/or implementation. We have adapted the national research- and evidence-based IDEAL Consortium model for Massachusetts so it reflects our current reality and state policies.
Priority will be given to programs that register for the entire series, which includes three online modules, program-based coaching, and sharing group webinars. Additionally, participating programs will have access to the Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment license and curriculum for free for one year. For more information, please see the SABES Calendar posting or contact alexandra_papagno@worlded.org.