
Giving students a voice and a choice about their learning increases their engagement and investment in their education. This session addresses ways to highlight and promote learners' voices and choices at every stage of our integrated language and content instruction in order to foster learner agency. 

Please note: You will access Zoom and other support materials via Blackboard. You cannot access the online course from the SABES website. You will receive a separate email from Joanne Harrington at Quinsigamond Community College one to two days before the course begins with instructions on how to access the Blackboard course and the Zoom session. If you do not receive these instructions, please check your Spam folder and/or email jharrington@qcc.mass.edu.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • All levels of adult ESOL teachers

This session highlights and promotes English language learners' voices and choices during integrated language and content instruction. Participants will do the following:

  • Engage in tasks that demonstrate and define agency
  • Explore how choice boards promote learner autonomy through selections of topics, processes, and/or projects
  • Collaborate to create a choice board 

Facilitators present the rationale and research behind promoting learner agency and share tools and resources to foster learner agency in virtual and in-person classes.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Provide a more reciprocal power structure in the adult ESOL classroom that benefits English learners by:
    -Helping learners focus on their autonomy and agency
    -Increasing learners' engagement with an investment in their learning process
    -Strengthening learners' motivation and persistence
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)

Participants should have the latest version of Zoom on their devices. 

02/02/2022 - 2:00 pm to 02/02/2022 - 4:00 pm

United States

PD Center
SABES English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
Topic Area
Digital Literacy
Distance and Blended Learning
ESOL/English Learners