Bridging Research and Practice: The Role of Diagnostic Assessment in Evidence-Based Reading Instruction (2007)

STudent Achievement in Reading (STAR) began as a six-state pilot project that was designed "to improve classroom instruction through the use of a toolkit that translates reading research into practice, as well as systematic training and technical assistance."

This document "highlights key findings from the research on diagnostic assessment for adult learners and identifies some of the pilot participants’ experiences and reflections on implementing STAR in their programs and classrooms."

*Quoted from Bridging Research and Practice: The Role of Diagnostic Assessment in Evidence-Based Reading Instruction (p. 1)

Topic Area
EBRI (Evidence-Based Reading Instruction)
STAR (STudent Achievement in Reading)
Media Type
Resource Type
Research/Evidence-Based Practice
PD Center
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team