
Adult education programs are required to provide students with the skills to explore careers while simultaneously building academic and language skills. Providing integrated and contextualized career-focused instruction is a win-win and a huge time saver for students, but it is not always clear how to go about it.  

This offering provides advisors and ELA and ESOL teachers and advisors with the tools and strategies they need to incorporate career-focused content and academic standards into curricula, lesson plans, or advising workshops. Session 1 will focus on the skills and materials needed to build career-focused contextualized activities with integrated standards. Between sessions, you will develop a career-contextualized activity to use with students. You will share your activities in Session 2 and receive feedback from peers and facilitators. 

Please note that career contextualized content is best developed and delivered with some degree of collaboration between advisors and teachers. We strongly encourage, but are not requiring, that advisors and teachers from the same program sign up for this session together. 

By signing up for Session 1 on May 7th, you will automatically be registered for Session 2 on May 28th. Please make sure you are available for both dates.


    This professional development activity/course is designed for:

  • Advisors and ELA and ESOL teachers interested in deepening their ability to integrate and contextualize instruction with career exploration content

When teachers and advisors use career-contextualized materials and activities, students learn about essential career information while making progress toward their literacy, numeracy, and language goals. This encourages learners to envision and plan for educational, career, and life goals beyond high school equivalency (HSE) attainment, English proficiency gains, and entry-level and low-wage employment. 

Join this series to learn about how to access career content and develop contextualized activities using academic standards. Additionally, we encourage collaboration between advisors and teachers to provide relevant and responsive content that learners need. 

Session 1: In Session 1, the facilitators will share key sources of career content, including labor market information and occupational profiles. You will try out a sample contextualized activity and then dive into the work of academic standards integration. You will leave with a template and guidance for creating your own activity. 

Between session work: You will develop a learning activity of your choosing that incorporates the materials and skills explored in Session 1. You will use the provided template to identify career content, relevant standards, transferable skills, and opportunities for collaboration between advisors and teachers. We will provide an ELA, ESOL, or advising coach to support you.

Session 2: In Session 2, you will share your process of developing the activity, the experience facilitating it (if you have), and what challenges and successes came up along the way. You will receive feedback and support from the facilitator and peers on the content, standards integration, and teacher/advisor collaboration.

Schedule: The total time for this PD is estimated at 6–7 hours 

  • Session 1: Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (2 hours)
  • Between Sessions: Estimated at 2–3 hours 
  • Session 2: Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (2 hours)

Several days before the event, Jane Brandt at jane_brandt@worlded.org will send you an email with the Zoom link.

Sign up for notifications to hear about other PD in this strand: To receive alerts for events related to: Program Support, Career Pathways, Advising & Student Services, make sure you’re signed up for notifications. Sign into your SABES account, click the “My Account” tab, select the “My Notifications” tab, and check off Program Support, Career Pathways, Advising & Student Services.

    Learning Objectives

    Upon completion of this professional development activity/course, you will be able to:

  • Access and use relevant sources for up-to-date career exploration content
  • Integrate standards from the CCRS or MA ELPS into career awareness and career exploration content
  • Develop career-contextualized activities that are authentic, relevant, and academically rigorous
Presenter(s) / Facilitator(s)

Awareness of the CCRSAE or MA ELPS will be helpful.  If you are not familiar with the standards, you can find an overview for the CCRSAE here and for the MA ELPS here

05/07/2024 - 1:00 pm to 05/07/2024 - 3:00 pm
05/28/2024 - 1:00 pm to 05/28/2024 - 3:00 pm
End Date

United States

PD Team
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
SABES English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Curriculum & Instruction PD Team
SABES Program Support Team
Topic Area
Advising & Student Support Services
Career Pathways
CCRSAE (College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education)
Curriculum Development
Advising and Student Support
English Language Arts
ESOL/English Learners
MA ELPS (Massachusetts English Language Proficiency Standards)
Math & Numeracy
Volunteer Coordination
Career Pathways