Kobena Bonney

Kobena looking up into nature wearing backpack

Coordinator of the MassMATCH Program, Kobena has 18+ years experience using and working with assistive technology. Kobena’s passion is to promote awareness of and affordable access to AT to people with disabilities everywhere.

Karisa Tashjian

Karisa smiling red sweater

Karisa Tashjian is Digitunity’s Director of Programs. She leads the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs to support digital equity to ensure that everyone who needs a computer has one along with the skills to use it. Her work includes building and supporting a diverse network of community, philanthropic, business, and government organizations working to collectively eliminate barriers and create lasting solutions.

Previously with the Providence Public Library, RI as its Director of Education, she spearheaded the development of a variety of successful education, workforce and technology-related initiatives for youth and adults by fostering collaboration across stakeholders and building cohesive, integrated systems.


Alma Hughes

Alma smiling with glasses and braided bun

Alma Hughes is a Consumer Education & Outreach Specialist in the Consumer Affairs and Outreach Division. In her present position, Ms. Hughes provides outreach to numerous constituencies including K-12 and older adults, educating them on the importance of telecommunications programs as well as the rules and polices that have been implemented by the Commission.

Since May 1983, she has held positions in the Mass Media Bureau’s (now Media Bureau) Cable Division, Video Service Division, and the Policy Division as an Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist. She is continuously looking to expand her career in communications while addressing the needs of consumers.


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