Are you an adult educator looking to go beyond traditional assessments and infuse your instruction with technology? Join SABES on March 26, 2024, at 2 p.m. for our fourth EdTech Sandbox session, Digital Tools for Authentic Assessment , to implement activities with real-world applications of learning...
Program Support: All News
For additional listings, check out the Event Listings and click on "Program Support" or any of our priority areas any time. PSPD offers individual and program-based coaching for staff in any role looking to grow and strengthen their practice in any of our key priority areas, which include...
Did you know that all adult education practitioners in Massachusetts are eligible for a no-cost membership to the Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) ? COABE provides advocacy, professional development, and communication services to promote adult education at the state and national level...
Welcome to the Coaching Hub for Adult Education Practitioners! Designed with you in mind, the SABES Coaching Hub offers information about personalized coaching to meet your unique needs, whether in instructional strategies, program leadership, or integrating technology into your teaching practice...
The SABES Program Support PD Team is offering coaching this year to help your program become more disability inclusive. Coaching is responsive and tailored, and is focused on what is realistic for your program. What do others have to say about this? “Coaching with Andjela has been invaluable for us...
The SABES Program Support PD Team is offering customized coaching to MassSTEP programs. Coaching is responsive and tailored, and is focused on what is realistic for your program. What do others have to say about this? “Our quality coaching time with Heather was invaluable. The resulting SSLOs have...
Enhance your practice with ASG! Advisor Sharing Groups (ASG) are peer-facilitated, statewide meetings where advisors provide program updates, discuss and troubleshoot challenges, and share resources, promising practices, and more. This group is open to anyone who works in an advising role...
MassSTEP Sharing Group Meetings (Online Blended) This is a facilitated sharing group for anyone involved in developing and implementing MassSTEP programs. Meetings are loosely facilitated to encourage peer sharing, resource sharing, and group problem-solving. Topics are based on participant input...
Do you know about The Change Agent , the publication by and for adult education students? Topics are always relevant to students’ lives. Teachers and students love it! In addition to the issues themselves, you will find many resources including brief teaching tips, videos, and audio versions of...
(NOTE: All times are in EDT. If you'll be onsite, check the CDT times.) Math & Numeracy What Story Does This Graph Tell? Mon., Mar 18, 9:00 AM - 10:10 AM, Jackson A and Virtual Will This Be on the Test? Mon., Mar 18, 12:50 PM - 2:00 PM, Jackson B What Can Math Teachers Do to Promote Racial Equity...