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We're Open Flyers - Cape and Islands Workforce Development Region
We're Open Flyers - Brockton Workforce Development Region
We're Open Flyers - Bristol Workforce Development Region
We're Open Flyers - Boston Workforce Development Region
We're Open Flyer - Berkshire Workforce Development Region
Take a moment to view this lighthearted look at virtual session etiquette with Catie and Calamity. It is intended to be a fun reminder of what and what NOT to do when participating in a virtual meeting. Enjoy!
Two math educators explain how their commitment to equity informs the way they teach. The teachers write about their commitment to equity, their teaching contexts, and how they humanize math for their students. Their approach applies to multiple content areas.
Culturally Responsive Teaching can include what topics you are teaching about, how you teach, what materials and examples and perspectives you include, and your own awareness and knowledge. We highlight some specific resources to delve into right now, plus links to resource banks (at the end of…
When it comes to the four basic operations, division is often the one that students find the most difficult. Many adult education students, especially at beginning levels of math, have gaps in their understanding of both when and how to divide. Why does this operation seem to cause more problems…
Sometimes we may think our students need to be at a certain math level before they can work with tools like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Desmos, but there are many rich activities that are accessible to all of our students. Looking to real-world scenarios gives students a practical sense for…