Camera Lens for focusingELA Lens: Culturally Responsive Teaching

Culturally responsive teaching is a framework that guides ELA teachers in connecting with who their learners are and where they come from in order to support students’ academic learning, cultural competence, and understanding of how their communities operate.

These efforts support language/literacy learning and empower learners to move confidently in a diverse world.

When making curricular or instructional decisions, ask the following questions:

  • Do the student and teacher resources include authors, images, and ideas from more than one perspective and/or culture? 

  • Do cultural representations and varied perspectives seem to be fair and accurate? Are stereotypes avoided?

  • Does the curriculum promote civil discourse to share different points of view, supporting claims with evidence?

  • Do activities draw on or connect with students’ linguistic, cultural, experiential, and interpersonal assets?

  • Are students invited to connect content to their own lives and to what they already know?

Tools and Resources

SABES ELA logo of books SABES ELA Curriculum Hub
Topic Area
ADEI (anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion)
CCRSAE (College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education)
Civics and Citizenship
Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Teaching
Curriculum Development
English Language Arts
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Team
SABES English Language Arts Curriculum & Instruction PD Team