See below for upcoming SABES PD events on ESOL instruction. Or, check out the ESOL Upcoming Events Calendar tab anytime!
Note: you are welcome to request ESOL instructional coaching for program staff. If interested, please submit a Contact Us request.
All PD offerings are online and facilitated unless indicated otherwise.
Wednesday, November 13
Introduction to Teaching Skills That Matter (Self-Paced Modules)
This introduction to the Teaching Skills That Matter in Adult Education provides an overview of the TSTM instructional framework and the TSTM Toolkit. The introduction also provides materials and guidance to train teachers to incorporate the skills that matter into adult education programming by using instructional approaches that work across relevant topic focus areas that are connected to student needs. Using the TSTM project’s tools and training, adult education teachers can teach the transferable skills students need in these critical contexts.
- Nov. 13, 2024 | 9:00 a.m. (Self-paced course opens)