See below for upcoming SABES PD events for Math & Numeracy. Or, check out the Math & Numeracy Upcoming Events Calendar tab anytime!

Note: you are welcome to request Math & Numeracy instructional coaching for program staff. If interested, please submit a Contact Us request.

All PD offerings are online and facilitated unless indicated otherwise.

Wednesday, October 2

Introduction to Teaching Skills That Matter (Self-Paced Modules)

This introduction to the Teaching Skills That Matter in Adult Education provides an overview of the TSTM instructional framework and the TSTM Toolkit. The introduction also provides materials and guidance to train teachers to incorporate the skills that matter into adult education programming by using instructional approaches that work across relevant topic focus areas that are connected to student needs. Using the TSTM project’s tools and training, adult education teachers can teach the transferable skills students need in these critical contexts. 

  • Oct. 2, 2024  |  9:00 a.m. (Self-paced course opens)

Tuesday, October 7

English Learners in the ABE Math Classroom (Self-Paced Modules)

Most adult education programs have English learners (ELs) in their adult basic education (ABE) courses. These ELs, like their native English-speaking classmates, are often working toward their HiSET or other education and career goals. This online course is designed help adult education instructors teach math to ELs more effectively and in a culturally respectful manner. The strategies and ideas presented in this course are also appropriate for adult ESOL instructors as well as ABE instructors who only have native English speakers in their classes.

  • Oct. 7, 2024 (Self-paced course opens)

Thursday, October 10

Teaching Word Problems to Beginning Math Learners (Online Facilitated)

Many students struggle with word problems, even if they are competent at reading and calculating. What makes word problems so challenging? How can we help our students build the skills they need to be successful?  This two-part online workshop will break down different language, math, and cognitive skills involved when students tackle word problems. This can help you more accurately diagnose what individual gaps students have when they are struggling with word problems. This workshop will also help you plan your units to make sure you are intentionally addressing the variety of skills students need to be successful when working on them.

  • Oct. 10, 2024   10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
  • Oct. 17, 2024  |  10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 

Tuesday, October 15

Getting Started with Integrating Math in the ESOL Classroom (Online Blended)

Part of learning a new language is learning how to talk about math. Unfortunately, math has not traditionally been a regular part of adult ESOL instruction, and many ESOL teachers are not comfortable teaching it. This self-paced, online course and optional community of practice will encourage ESOL teachers to look for where, when, and how it makes sense to include math in lessons while continuing to focus on language acquisition and effective communication. 

  • Oct. 15, 2024  |  (Self-paced course opens)

Thursday, October 17

Using the Math Proficiency Guide to Become a More Effective Math Teacher (Self-Paced Modules)

The Mathematics Proficiency Guide for Teachers of Adult Education is one of several companion pieces to the MA Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult Education. The Math Proficiency Guide is designed to inform the practice of new, developing, and advanced instructors who teach math to adult learners. This virtual course will provide participants with practical ways to learn from and implement the material in the Math Proficiency Guide to improve their own math instruction. The course is designed for both new and experienced adult education math instructors.

  • Oct. 17, 2024  |  (Self-paced course opens)

Friday, October 18

New Directors’ Meet & Greet with SABES (Online Facilitated)

For new directors or veteran directors of newly funded adult education programs, the first few months and years can be a unique challenge as you learn how to do your job, while also leading and supporting everyone around you. If you’re wondering where to begin or are looking for resources and colleagues to support you, join us for this Meet & Greet with SABES.

  • Oct. 18, 2024  |  10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
PD Team
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team