The Mathematics Proficiency Guide for Teachers of Adult Education (August 2022) is one of several companion pieces to the MA Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult Education (2017, revised 2019). Three proficiency guides have been created, one each for ELA, mathematics, and ESOL. This one serves as a resource for adult numeracy teachers and their program directors. Teachers and directors arrive in adult education programs from a variety of entry points, which ultimately enriches the field and the learning experiences of their students. The Math Proficiency Guide serves to focus this diverse set of educators on a common vision for math by specifying what teachers should know and be able to do related to adult math instruction.

 The document is designed to be instrumental in:

  • guiding the practice of new, developing, and advanced teachers who teach math to adult learners;
  • fostering communities of practice among teachers and directors across the state by promoting a shared understanding of effective adult numeracy practice; and
  • advancing the professionalization of the adult education field in Massachusetts.
Topic Area
CCRSAE (College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education)
Curriculum Development
High School Equivalency (HiSET/GED)
Math & Numeracy
Professional Standards
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Team
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team