Targeting Professional Learning in Math

Image of a dart boardThis page gives you information about how to target certain professional standards for your professional learning. The SABES Math Center offers professional development opportunities and curates resources related to the MA ABE Professional Standards. The Standards and their corresponding Indicators describe the knowledge and skills expected of all Massachusetts ABE teachers, regardless of the content area they teach. The Mathematics Proficiency Guide tailors those Standards and Indicators specifically to math instruction, providing even more detail through Sample Applications.

As a math teacher, you are expected to be familiar with these standards documents and to use them to self-assess your math instruction. Drawing on that information as well as on input from students and colleagues enables you to shape your professional learning throughout your career.

Teacher Self-Assessment Tools

Several tools can support you in assessing your own practice in regard to the ABE Professional Standards.

  • Math Self-Evaluation Tool  – This is an online collection of self-evaluations that can support you in determining your comfort level with various Math Professional Standards.

Finding PD and Resources Aligned with Targeted Standards

Click on the link below to see SABES Math PD and resources aligned with professional Standards of interest. 

Planning for Professional Learning

Other tools are available to help math teachers develop a Math Professional Learning Plan:

Topic Area
Mathematics and Adult Numeracy
New Staff
Professional Standards
Media Type
Resource Type
PD Center
SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum and Instruction PD Team