Digital Literacy: All News

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For additional listings, check out the Event Listings and click on "Program Support" or any of our priority areas any time. PSPDC offers individual and program-based coaching for staff in any role looking to grow and strengthen their practice in any of our key priority areas, which include...

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For additional listings, check out the Event Listings and click on "Program Support" or any of our priority areas any time. PSPDC offers individual and program-based coaching for staff in any role looking to grow and strengthen their practice in any of our key priority areas, which include...

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For additional listings, check out the Event Listings and click on "Program Support" or any of our priority areas any time. PSPDC offers individual and program-based coaching for staff in any role looking to grow and strengthen their practice in any of our key priority areas, which include...

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For additional listings, check out the Event Listings and click on "Program Support" or any of our priority areas any time. PSPDC offers individual and program-based coaching for staff in any role looking to grow and strengthen their practice in any of our key priority areas, which include...

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See below for upcoming SABES Program Support events. For additional listings, check out the Event Listings and click on "Program Support" or any of our priority areas any time. PSPDC offers individual and program-based coaching for staff in any role looking to grow and strengthen their practice in...

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(NOTE: All times are in EDT. If you'll be onsite, check the CDT times.) Math & Numeracy What Story Does This Graph Tell? Mon., Mar 18, 9:00 AM - 10:10 AM, Jackson A and Virtual Will This Be on the Test? Mon., Mar 18, 12:50 PM - 2:00 PM, Jackson B What Can Math Teachers Do to Promote Racial Equity...

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Follow-up for your students: ACP is a federal program to make internet connectivity accessible to those with low income. If you have students getting free or discounted internet connectivity through this program, or if you have students who'd benefit, here is a reminder of important information from...

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SABES Program Support: Northstart Events Through Friday, 10/6 Today we are sending out a list of open Northstar offerings that are coming up soon! Northstar trainer, Theresa Sladek, will present this series of three workshops to introduce the many features of the paid version of the Northstar...

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Adult learners start their classes with a wide range of digital skills and access to technology. When you provide your students with pre-class support and resources, you boost their confidence and readiness and prepare them to hit the ground running. You also set the tone for your class and program...

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We are excited to share that Ticiana Coleman, our Burlington English representative, will be holding open office hours in October. She will be available to help onbard new teachers to Burlington English and answer any questions you might have. Please join Tici to get the support you need! To join...