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Part 1 of the Massachusetts English Language Proficiency Standards (MA ELPS) Overview introduces the standards, why they were developed, what is new, and what has stayed the same. (SABES)
Part 2 of the Massachusetts English Language Proficiency Standards (MA ELPS) Overview explores the organization of the MA ELPS document. (SABES)
See also: MA ELPS (Massachusetts English Language Proficiency Standards) - Document and Overview Videos for a review of the three videos in this…
Part 3 of the Massachusetts English Language Proficiency Standards (MA ELPS) Overview explores the organization of the MA ELPS document. (SABES).
Document, Video
Understanding and correctly using workplace credential terminology will enhance our communications with students, employers, workforce agencies and community partners. This video and write up explains the differences between certificates, certifications, degrees and licenses.
Happy New Year!
The new year often brings optimism and hope for what lies ahead. With the start of this year, many may also feel uncertainty and concern, particularly around potential changes to U.S. immigration policy under the new presidential administration.
To support practitioners working with…
Newsletter, Website
SABES PD Courses are now offered via Canvas
Read all about it!
This newsletter focuses on one theme: our transition from Blackboard and Moodle to Canvas by Instructure. Read about what this means to you, general resources and a tip on enrolling smoothly, and a sampling of courses to look for.…
The video, Voice Quality Settings: Adult ESL Pronunciation Activities for Improving Mouth Movement, was shared with participants of Andrea Eschelberger's workshop Pronunciation: Teaching the Notes and Melodies. The resource introduces the concept of voice quality settings, demonstrating the…
Culturally Responsive Holiday Resources for Adult ESOL Learners
The following resources support educators working with Adult English Learners (ELs) in fostering a culturally responsive classroom during the holiday season with lessons that are inclusive and create meaningful connections in…
SABES is creating a coordinated resource bank for anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI) materials across all of our PD teams, pulling together the resources already on this website and adding new ones. We highlight some specific math-related resources to delve into right now.…
The Mathematics Proficiency Guide for Teachers of Adult Education (August 2022) is one of several companion pieces to the MA Professional Standards for Teachers of Adult Education (2017, revised 2019). Three proficiency guides have been created, one each for ELA, mathematics, and ESOL. This…