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Document, Video, Website
In March we celebrate women’s history and highlight the contributions of women of all races and nationalities to mathematics. Every woman exists at the intersection of her gender, race, sexual orientation, ability, and other factors of her identity. With this in mind, we encourage you to visit the…
Document, Video, Website
Learn the history of Hispanic Heritage Month PBS Learning Media Video (1:41) DATA  Latino Stats: American Hispanics By The Numbers – book by Idelisse Malavé & Esti Giordani Pew Research Center Hispanic Latino Statistics and Data Slow Reveal Graphs at https://…
Book, Document, Website
LGBTQIA+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, + (the plus represents anyone who is not listed in the acronym but still identifies as part of the community). GENERAL INTEREST Gender Pronouns—Do you have questions about what gender pronouns are and…
This collection includes teacher and student materials that can be downloaded as Word documents or PDFs. The math content is aimed at ABE level math students (approximately GLE 2–4). While adult students at this math level may have any level of reading, the text was kept to a minimum in…
This collection includes teacher and student materials that can be downloaded as Word documents or PDFs. The math content is aimed at ABE level math students (approximately GLE 2–4). While adult students at this math level may have any level of reading, the text was kept to a minimum in…
This collection includes teacher and student materials that can be downloaded as Word documents or PDFs. The math content is aimed at ABE level math students (approximately GLE 2–4). While adult students at this math level may have any level of reading, the text was kept to a minimum in…
Teaching Skills That Matter (TSTM) is a collection of lessons that focus on real life skills in contexts that are important in the lives of adults. These lessons can stand alone or can be integrated into your Curriculum for Adults Learning Math (CALM) math classes to help students…
This article, by Donna Curry of the SABES Mathematics and Adult Numeracy Curriculum & Instruction PD Center, discusses several key elements of the Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) assessment framework, including the definition of numeracy and numerate…
MA Public Adult Education Professional Development System (SABES) How to Create a SABES Account Event Calendar (Calendar View) Event Listings (List View) Self-paced, facilitated offerings (right column) On-demand modules (Program support) Resource Library Video Gallery…
The Change Agent provides a wealth of timely and relevant material for adult education students and teachers. Its social justice focus is inextricably linked to mathematical reasoning and most issues provide explicit activities or prompts drawing out math that is relevant to our students’ lives.…