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Book, Recording, Website
The EMPower book Many Points Make a Point has a highly recommended data activity lesson called Countries in Our Closets (see link to free download below). In the activity, students read their clothing labels and collect data on where their clothes are made. Students…
This math unit develops graphing and proportional reasoning skills using social justice contexts. Teacher plan and student handouts are included in this packet. A ZIP file of the four slow-reveal graph Powerpoint slides is also provided below. Suggested student audience: GED…
In times of upheaval, it's important to understand as best we can what is happening. Our Center wants to support you and your students by offering resources that focus on real data, in real time to help make some sense of what's happening.    Ready-to-Use Vaccine Lesson Materials (…
Achieve a Big Effect Through Small Actions For two years, SABES Math & Adult Numeracy (M&N) consultant Lakshmi Nayak had a visually impaired, legally blind student. This article highlights what she learned, and includes tips and strategies from the M&N team.  "Yes, she…
Project-Based Learning (PBL) teaches skills that matter (critical thinking, communication, processing and analyzing information, self-awareness, problem-solving, navigating systems, adaptability and willingness to learn, respecting differences and diversity, and interpersonal skills) while teaching…
SABES is creating a coordinated resource bank for anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI) materials across all of our PD centers, pulling together the resources already on this website and adding new ones. We highlight some specific math-related resources to delve into right now.…
Document, Video, Website
This resource collection provides an array of materials and guidance to help you design coherent, rigorous instructional units and lessons that include measurable learning outcomes, optimize student interaction, support the needs of all learners, are guided by SLA principles, and are aligned to the…
ESOL teachers, do these students seem familiar to you? Sonya is great at grammar and vocabulary exercises but struggles to use new language in practice. Abdul takes lots of notes but has trouble finding information later. Ephraim understands a lesson one day but forgets it the next. Pedro avoids…
We know you are committed to addressing the needs of all learners in your program. It can feel daunting to think of all the things you can and should be doing to support all learners, including those with learning differences and disabilities. Remember that you are not starting from scratch, and…
Adult education programs have always served learners with disabilities and learning differences. Whether or not they have a formal disability diagnosis, each learner has their own unique  way of learning that may be informed by disabilities, neurodivergence, and/or trauma.  ACLS policy…