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This book chapter explains that by implementing simple strategies that create conditions and opportunities for adults to construct meaning in culturally affirming ways, it is possible for cognition and understanding to improve significantly.
This article was developed to assist faculty, instructors and teaching assistants in addressing and preventing microaggressions in the classroom, whether committed by faculty or by students.
This short article posits that culturally competent teaching and learning demands respect for others. Experiences based on various traditions, norms, and values inform ways of knowing and learning.
This brief article addresses four areas that are essential for the development of a culturally competent educational practice and the implementation of a culturally responsive pedagogy.
This 18-page brief provides an overview of literature related to building cultural competency at the district level. The report examines characteristics of culturally responsive schools and discusses strategies for fostering cultural competency among district staff.
This 16-page, graphically-rich summary outlines the increases in earning potential and employment for attainment of associate’s, bachelor’s, and graduate/professional degrees. Region-wide and state-specific date are presented.
Document, Website
Maybe you've heard about CALM -- the Curriculum for Adults Learning Math-- and you're wondering what it's all about and whether it's right for your class or program. These sample lessons from CALM will give you an idea of the organization, structure, and pedagogy behind the curriculum. For more…
This tool blends a skills self-appraisal chart with numerous competency checklists covering content and life-skill areas.
This concise rubric outlines teaching strategies and related classroom activities for each of ten professional standards developed by Kentucky Skills U, the Adult Education system in Kentucky.
"This Guide provides suggested classroom tasks that combine the academic knowledge and skills described by CCR Standards with behaviors and composite skills needed to succeed in college, workplace, and civic life."