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This resource is an overview of the benefits and challenges of using online employment venues from the viewpoint of both employers and job seekers.
This resource is an overview of the features and factors necessary for effective instructional coaching of teachers, especially in regard to technology implementation.
This resource is an essay summarizing the purposes, factors, and benefits connected to technology use in adult literacy programs. Several tech tools and program-based applications are described related to building adult learners' digital literacy.
Intended for teacher classroom practice, this research brief outlines the steps involved in setting and achieving goals, especially with regard to technology-based exercises and projects.
This resource is a self-administered survey of 15 educational beliefs, the results of which will enable educators to better understand their teaching methodologies and classroom practices.
This resource is a summary of a study examining how instructional leadership and teacher leadership roles and factors impact student achievement. The study initially drew from the Teaching, Empowering, Leading, and Learning (TELL) Survey.
This resource is an essay outlining the benefits of and conditions supporting an actively curious mindset in the workplace.
This resource is an argument for truly meaningful – as opposed to routine – teacher professional development, including a detailed table of steps and factors needed to reach such a goal.
An overview of the characteristics of and multiple challenges faced by parents pursuing their won literacy skill improvement, along with concrete steps and examples to address the challenges.
A concise summary of the benefits of participation in adult literacy programs, both for individual participants and for the broader society.